Taking care of myself and my friends, it’s having fun in the world

It could be a complicated and philosophical way to see and interpret, how to have fun in the world. I always recommend to people younger than me, so they can start earlier, with in my opinion, is a good way to live your life, and have fun.

You’re playing a really high-level and competitive game every single day in your life, right!

Therefore, you’re should take care of yourself and your others. Just playing in a way that offers a comfortable environment, and allows a really challenging experience for each player.

In almost all the ball games and others, you’re constantly challenging your opponent with defense, and with offense afterward. That means, during defense, you must be as fast as the offense to keep closing the chances. During offense, you’re trying to move faster than the defense and find a gab to score. This environment, where every player is taking care of the game, is where you can feel comfortable and have fun, in a not necessarily high and competitive level. That happens only between professional or very good players, or in group of friends, which play together since a while.

If you go outside just play in the parks and enjoy and take care of the game. You’ll probably note some other players are not taking care of the game. Just keep doing the same. Take care of yourself first and take care of your others. If you do that, you’re enjoying the game, and nothing else counts. During the game, you are aware of all that is happening, and you’re ready to do your move, at the right moment and in the right way. This, while you’re taking care of yourself and your others, as you practiced, experienced, observed, learned, improvised, and shared. 

This way of life is having fun.

Taking care of myself and my friends, it’s having fun in the world.  

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